The Cost of Visiting Candidates for the Incumbent President Turns Out to Be Taken All by the Banking Industry

faktualonline. Among other things, they were exposed based on leaked letters presented by the former 2014-2016 BUMN Ministerial Staff, Muhammad Said Didu, who through his personal twitter account.

The action was deemed inappropriate for him.

Here's the post:

See this letter, the village ministry "requested" the BUMN @BNI to bear the visit of the President who seemed to be not an @BNI event.

SOE funds may not be used for things like this.

Come on, let's keep an eye on "sponsors" of SOEs who break the rules

Then, told by the former Minister of BUMN. Actually, almost the same thing happened in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) but was prevented, so it was not implemented.

When the President @ SBY Yudhoyono received an international award, BUMN wanted to make a congratulatory advertisement, but we forbid that SOE money was only used for SOE activities, not allowed to power and finance the government.

In fact, the official travel of the Ministry of BUMN staff is not allowed from BUMN.

Therefore, it is now exposed that there is a request from the Ministry of Village so that BNI will finance the visit of the current president and his entourage to a number of locations. This was not permitted by Muhammad Said Didu.

In fact, many netizens have supported the progress made by Muhammad Said Didu to divulge this case.

With existing and appropriate monitoring, incumbents do activities in a number of villages on Saturday (01/19/2019).
Then, the leaked letter was in the spotlight among the public.


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